Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Segregation in New York City and Beyond

By: Rafeeat Bishi

Image result for midtown people

    When one thinks of New York City, we often picture a diverse melting pot that is accepting of all cultures and people. On the A train to Washington Heights, you'll see all different types of people. Walking down 42nd street there's a vast array of distinct identities. However, recent studies reported that NYC has the most segregated school system in America. 

Image result for race map new york city     Minority students, particularly Black and Hispanic, make up the majority of the in the worst-performing schools in the city. They are also given less access to preparatory programs in order to progress. This also makes them the least represented group in the city's elite high schools, despite being 60% of the public school population. This year, only seven black students were admitted into Stuyvesant High School(the highest in the city) out of 895.

    Students are admitted solely based on a rigorous admissions test. But the means to prepare are highly uneven. Mayor Bill DeBlasio proposed alternatives but was met with many protests, specifically from the Asian-American community (who happen to be the most represented at the elite schools), citing that it discriminates against them specifically and that it is up to the city to improve curriculum. 

Image result for salad vs melting pot     We assume that the schools would reflect a city of bubbling diversity. But not everything looks like Midtown, as the map shows. The city itself is also segregated borough wise. Even within the boroughs there are enclaves of different ethnicities, such as Chinese, Dominican, West African, Caribbean, Puerto Rican, Irish, Italian, and more.

   The city is an example of how although cultures may be adjacent, they are far from blending all together. America can be a salad bowl. Not a melting pot. By definition: "American cultures are brought together—like salad ingredients—but do not form together into a single homogeneous culture; each culture keeps its own distinct qualities". 

   I think we should try to take more advantage of our diverse surroundings, rather than just acknowledge them. We can do better to engage and exchange with the different cultures around so we become a true melting pot and not simply a "salad". 

**Surprisingly: this is even found in Hackensack. Non- Hispanic Whites make up the second largest of the population in the city, but are among the smallest group of students attending Hackensack Middle School, for example. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tokenism in the Media

By: Rafeeat Bishi

          In some film, television, theatre and other forms of media, a "colorblind" casting technique is used so that roles can be played by anyone of any race. The character's attributes or race are not necessary for their storyline. This can be positive and negative. While it gives more opportunities for (minority recognition) it also allows for roles to be written in any way, even if they do not do justice for the actor playing it. It also gives producers the chance to call their entertainment diverse. This is when the conversation of tokenism can come in.

          You or someone you know has probably heard the idea of a "black best friend". It is defined as "...a black character whose role either A) revolves almost entirely around a white character or B) serves as a conscious effort for a white character/writer to appear inclusive (tvtropes.com). Other times, they are also the only one of their minority in the cast. The GBF (Gay Best Friend) trope is also similar, in which women will often have a flamboyant, male friend by their side to feed into stereotypes.

Image result for clueless
         A movie I feel does not do this, is (surprisingly) Clueless. While Dion is a secondary character, we get more from her than simple and snide side comments. Instead, we see her develop a personality that is similar but separate from Cher. They're equals. We also see interactions not involving Cher, mainly the relationship with her boyfriend.

Image result for kurt mercedes
      Other shows that do not do this are Glee, which often makes a habit (although comically) of pointing out the race and sexuality of various members. Characters such as Kurt and Mercedes can be given their own storylines or episodes, and how they deal with the stereotypes associated with them.

     Now. I don't expect a small town in Iowa to be bustling with diversity. And I not saying the supporting character should overtake the entire movie? But they should be more than support. They should be treated as a primary or secondary character would, with attributes and actions that contribute to plot development. 

   In conclusion, casting directors, writers, and directors should be doing more to develop roles specifically for minorities in order to portray modern societies. 

*Some shows and movies I recently watched employed this trope: Sierra Burgess is a Loser (her best friend Dan), "Tall Girl" (Jodi's friend Fareeda). Iron Man (sidekick War Machine), Captain America (sidekick Hawkeye), "My So-Called Life" (Angela's friend Rickie), One Tree Hill (Skills) and more. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Why I did not Advocate #JusticeforRocky. 

By: Rafeeat Bishi

High-profile Rapper A$AP Rocky found himself in a bad position after being arrested for an altercation while in Sweden. Video footage shows the rapper attacking people who he claimed to have following him for four blocks. It has been argued that it was a form of self-defense. 

As a result of the altercation, "Rocky" was arrested and jailed on charges of assault and battery and is set to appear in a Swedish court.

Image result for asap rockyTypically, news spread quickly of this through social media. Many regarded him with martyrdom and compared him to Nelson Mandela (despite his living conditions being above average), suggesting that his arrest was one of the worst things to happen in society. People went as far as to create petitions advocating his release. 
Here's the nature of a few tweets:

  • Nick Budsworth (@WilliamGluckman) Tweeted:
    • "Boycotting everything from Sweden until they free ASAP Rocky."
  • Power 105.1 (@Power1051) Tweeted:
    • If you haven't already, sign the petition to free ASAP Rocky from the inhumane jail conditions in Sweden."
  • Hollywood (@Therealboss31) Tweeted:
    • "Free my bro ASAP Rocky over there in Sweden lockdown"
Even the President of the United States, Donald Trump, contacted Swedish prime minister demanding Rocky be released. He claimed:

"Sweden has let our African-American community down".

A cell in Kronoberg remand prison
A standard cell from The Swedish Prison and Probation Office
A contrasting set of tweets resurfaced at the same time. Many referred to Rocky's comments made in an interview from 2015 when asked if he feels pressured to support Black Lives Matter. The rapper responded: 

“They’re not forcing me to do
s--tI’m just gonna stay black and die. Why, because I’m black? So every time something happens because I’m black I gotta stand up? What the f--k am I, Al Sharpton now? I’m A$AP Rocky. I did not sign up to be no political activist...I don’t wanna talk about no f–king Ferguson and shit because I don’t live over there! I live in f--king Soho and Beverly Hills. I can’t relate...I’m not doing anything outside of that. That’s my life.”

(Ironically, A$AP Rocky's mother called on the help of Reverend Al Sharpton in Rocky's case).

The rapper has since tweeted that the quote was taken out of context and while he is upset with injustice, he is not a political activist. 

Incidents like these beg the question as to whether or not we should hold people accountable over old statements. But what's made clear by his comments is that Rocky's proximity to whiteness and money made him think he is immune to the struggles facing "common Black folk" in America. While his incident may not have been one of police brutality, it can be inferred that he would not hesitate to apply his claims to similar situations. And for that reason, I looked at his predicament with a different view.

To turn your back on the community that brought you success and then expect for them to be the first ones to help is very upsetting. 

Now. Am I saying A$AP Rocky deserved to be jailed? I don't know. I was not present at the situation and cannot determine clearly the details of the incident from one video. I also don't know A$AP Rocky personally or whether or not his views have changed. What I do know is what he said, and as a result, I would not stand up in fervid support of him. 

Image result for nelson mandelaIn the words of Huey Freeman from "The Boondocks": 

"Every famous n--gga that gets arrested is not Nelson Mandela!"

As of August 14th, 2019, Rocky was found guilty of assault after being released from Swedish jail.