Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Importance of Voting as Minorities 

By: Rafeeat Bishi

Today the Contemporary Studies class ran a voter registration drive. It made me think of the importance of going to the polls if you're a woman or minority. 

Image result for timeline of voting rightsOne of my pet peeves is people complaining about the current state of wherever they are (America, their town), despite the fact that they did not exercise their right to vote. Obviously we can be mad about general issues, but to complain on legislation that had the opportunity to be different when you chose to ignore it, is a bit ridiculous. 

All women of color did not receive the right to vote until decades after. Native people weren't even considered citizens until the 1920s. You can see more on the table →

To hear people say their vote doesn't count, or to hear people of dominant groups (white, male), talk about how they'll vote for Harambe or not vote at all is a major pet peeve. I think it's a privilege to be able to use your voting right as a joke, despite the fact that you're decision is going to affect the lives of millions

It's a privilege to know that you voting for a joke, will have no adverse affects on your life if you are a man, straight, white, and cisgendered.

Minorities should do their best to mobilize not to only honor the struggle that people died for, but to insure we can change the system that keeps people from progress. 

And for those who say they're vote doesn't count: -_-. Last year there were so many recounts because the elections were "too close to call" people in states with millions of registered voters had races that were between 3,000 votes in difference.  Pls vote. Pls. 

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of how lots of people voted for "meme candidates" in the 2016 election, like "Deez Nuts." Sure, maybe it's funny that there were people running under that name, but actually wasting your vote on them when this was already a controversial election in itself was just an unbelievably juvenile and asinine decision. I feel you when you emphasize how everyone's vote actually counts, and being at that voter registration drive with you, it was pretty disappointing to see that some people weren't even paying attention.
