Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Prominent Twitter Personality "emoblackthot" 'comes out'

By: Rafeeat Bishi

     If you're like me and on Twitter for most of the day, then you may be familiar with the anonymous account "@emoblackthot"

Image result for emoblackthot     The user had over 160k followers and was famous on the app, known for giving tips on skincare and well-being, and saying "drink water" or "sit up straight" everyday. They were known to have a large outreach, particularly to Black women. They would tweet about feminine issues, such as having periods, and voice their disdain for issues facing Black women and women in general. They created a space where underrepresented people could find common ground. They also claimed to be queer.

    Considering the handle, many people assumed emoblackthot to be a woman. They also had she/her pronouns in their bio. The user never revealed who they were, or posted any pictures. The reveal was going to be one of the biggest things to happen on the social media network. It was not as expected.

     Around last Friday, the user revealed that they had been a bisexual, light-skinned black man the whole time. They are also able-bodied and fit.
Image result for emoblackthot
     The user, who I won't name cause they don't need anymore clout, claimed they decided to pose as a black woman because they felt they needed the support and commutative feelings that came with it. They now wish to promote their business and music careers. 

     As expected, many black women were furious, calling him out for the severity of his actions and how harmful they are. Non-black women had some different reactions. There seemed to be an out pour of support.

    Some problems with this include the fact that he promoted his Cash App on the daily, and people would donate believing it to be towards a fellow Black woman. He was were in various women-centric group chats, apparently some which shared personal photos. All this time he were pretending to be a black woman

    The biggest problem. The user employed what people have been doing for centuries: using Black women as caricatures.

    Our experiences are used for financial and personal gain, and black women see little of the benefits. He used us for clout, and once he was strong enough, threw us away.

    My worry is that what happens is what always happens. Nobody will care. He'll get a following of mostly non-black women cause nobody cares about Black women. It's depressing. He'll get clout, money, and once again the world will see that it's okay for us to be stomped on. I'm tired. It's 2019. I really have nothing other to say than I'm tired.


  1. Wow. That was extremely manipulative of him to use a whole community of black women as leverage just to promote his own content. I don't use Twitter but I've seen a lot of screenshots around Instagram where people talk about how no one has any respect for black women, not even black men. It's a shame that you basically have to scream for your presence to be known and respected. As for this guy, he's not going anywhere with his business, that's just not it.

  2. wow i didn't know this happened. It's insane what people can get away with when they are hiding behind a screen. His excuse behind this is quite sad, too. "He used us for clout, and once he was strong enough, threw us away" !!!!! it's not fair. I love twitter but it can be a very toxic place, especially for black women.. especially with this new "snowbunny" and white girl fetishization.. it's disturbing and should be stopped
