Tuesday, December 3, 2019

New Movie Queen and Slim Sparks Discussion

By: Rafeeat Bishi

           When I first saw the trailer for the crime-movie Queen and Slim I was excited. The actors looked promising and so did the premise.

Image result for queen and slim         But after watching the trailer a few times, I found myself rolling my eyes. Mainly because the basis of the story was two Black adults on the run from the law after killing a cop who stopped them wrongfully.

         When we see Black characters, a lot of us prepare to see poverty, death, slavery or injustice. The same thing goes for other races. When we see Native characters, we prepare to see stereotypes of tribes, or watered down interactions with White imperialists. When we see non-Black Latinos, we prepare to see Gang violence, drugs, housekeepers, and poverty. When we see Asian characters, we see mousy, education oriented East Asians, and for Southeast Asians we see convenience store owners or gas station workers. When we Arabs, we see terrorists. The list goes on and on.
Image result for miles morales

          I wish I could watch a space movie with Black characters and not have to fear for when their death scene is coming. Queen and Slim was intriguing but then I remembered it would only end one way. Them in jail. Or dead. 

          Some Black people on Twitter discussed how they found these stories to be triggering. For example, the movie 12 Years a Slave. Which is absolutely true. Seeing your people be oppressed and dehumanized is not entertaining. Especially if you're living it. Why should you be subject to watching something that you already know about? '

         I felt the same way about When They See Us. I was unable to watch it all the way through because I found it mentally draining

Image result for crazy rich asians          People say "these stories need to be told" and are "required viewing". Which is absolutely true. But they don't need to be told to the people who live that experience everyday. Should they be made? Yes. Art imitates life. But if other races can get a variety of films in the same year, why can't we? White people can have a hard-hitting drama one week, Harry Potter the next week, and a superhero movie the week after. This is why it was a big deal when Black Panther, Us, Searching, Crazy Rich Asians, and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse came out (can I just say spider-verse is the best movie ever pls go watch it it's on Netflix).

         It's important that while younger generations understand their reality, they are also able to see themselves in a different light. These films are only required viewing for those who can not relate or are uneducated on the nuances of these situations.  

        On a happier note, a romance film called The Photograph with two Black actors is coming out in February. It does not look like it's based off of the sad injustices in America. 


  1. I completely agree, and it's unfair that most of the film industry's representation of minorities HAS to relate to something relating to their oppression. I also acknowledge that these stories have to be told, especially in this day and age, but do they really have to be the ONLY stories told? That's why shows like Fresh off the Boat and Black-ish are seen as "colored shows" because no one is used to seeing a person of color just living their life on TV. We're all so used to the idea that they have to be victimized somehow, or else their position as a POC is threatened. I will admit that the plot of this movie sounds riveting but it's a shame like you said, that it still ends in either jail or death for the protagonists.

  2. Fun fact -- the director of Queen and Slim is a Hackensack graduate.

    1. Omg really??!!!! Can they come to our class pls.

  3. Omg I just only read the first two paragraphs and I need to go off. I saw a tweet on Twitter that was like Im tired of all movies with black people being about the law and crime. She was explaining how she wanted movies about love and adventure and just nice things with black characters. I completely understand this sometimes we need a rest from the chaos of the world and it sucks when all the nice movies dont have representation in them.
