Thursday, May 7, 2020

Coronavirus Movies Conspiracy 😷

By: Rafeeat Bishi

This is just something funny I saw on Twitter. 

Image result for tenet         Christopher Nolan is a popular director known for making mind-bending movies. His newest movie, and first with a Black lead (long overdue) called Tenet was set to hit theaters this July before the whole pandemic ruined movie plans. 

         Like many major studios and filmmakers, it makes sense to push back release dates for profit's sake. However, Nolan is apparently hellbent on releasing Tenet in July.

         The thing is, even if movies do reopen, many people aren't going to flock to a crowded theater. It'll take a while for people to become comfortable with going to large spaces. As a result, if the movie opens in July, there will be a good chance it does badly at the box office. 

Living in a conspiracy theory in Trump's America | USA | Al Jazeera        The joke on Twitter is that releasing it in July is Nolan's big plan to have his movie with a Black lead flop and then never again have a Black main character. Hmmm. I found this take to be hilarious lol.

        It is sad though that this year, many innovative movies with diversity lost there chance to shine because of the virus.

       Does anyone else think this is a conspiracy? 😕

       Note: notice how Mulan got affected too. Hmmmmm

1 comment:

  1. I think it's a bit far-fetched for there to be some sort of conspiracy, but it certainly is disappointing that those innovative movies won't able to shine, and I can't deny being curious about Christopher Nolan's intent on the film's theatrical July release.
