Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Lana Del Rey's Antics

By: Rafeeat Bishi

*This is old stuff but I had this saved in the drafts and never finished it up. 

          Lana Del Rey (real name Elizabeth Grant, which I'll refer to her throughout the rest of the post because her faux-Latina thingy isn't cute) recently came under fire after making a post about the unfair treatment of women in the music industry.

         I like some of Elizabeth's music but she often comes off as very white feminist (or not even feminist at all) and tends to sing bout problematic themes in her music (abuse, pedophilia. I avoid these songs).

        Last year she went after Kanye West for supporting Trump claiming that he was hurting "the culture" -_-. Mind you she had yet to call out any of the white people around her or celebrities that had done similar. She also vilified a Black woman when they had explained the issues with her comments. 

Lana Del Rey Talks Controversial Post In Instagram Video
This pic represents my reaction to her post. 
       Now, she brings up the culture again to say how it's unfair that women like Nicki, Beyonce, Doja Cat, Ariana Grande, Kehlani, and Camila Cabello get to be number #1 on the charts for singing about s*x, cheating, and nudity (??? Barely any of the women on this list sing about this, and those who do almost never chart).

      This is incredibly tone-deaf. Elizabeth could have addressed the misogyny in the industry without criticizing the successes of mostly women of color who for a majority of their careers are vilified for their music.

      Nicki Minaj didn't get a #1 until this year and has been constantly scrutinized for her music. Beyonce had to deal with an entire police force refusing to provide her with security because of her Formation video.

      Mind you: Elizabeth has explicit songs about *certain acts* that speak on the one thing she was criticizing.

     She is painting herself as a victim because she's never had a number 1 when her father propelled her career in the industry and she's been able to do countless types of videos without losing support. I wish she would listen to the criticism and not play herself to be the victim. We'll see. The post is still up on insta I believe.

Update: it got worse.


  1. LOL at "It got worse." Anyways, she definitely could've made her point about her femininity or whatever without name-dropping other women and stomping on their success. I know by "It got worse" she was talking about how it's not a race issue, people need to stop making it about race, blah blah. Someone give her a book on intersectionality

  2. It did get worse LOL. Her acting out really upset me cuz I liked her music but she had to be cancelled. I cancelled everyone bye. She's too much. Plus she posted protesters faces and disabled the comments. Woman,,, HELLO?
